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of Patterns and Fragments...

Issue no. 12 of Plethora Magazine delves into hidden patterns behind all natural form in pursuit of the fractal codes that shape progressions of growth, transformation and dispersion in the vast splendor of organic structures. When tracing the archetypical outlines of these dynamic configurations, intricate formulars are revealed that allows profound insights to the blueprints of the seemingly chaotic fabric of life. Slowly a new order appears in the wild lines of turbulence, propagation and dispersion and clues emerge that we may later harness through a fragmented prism of logic and intuition of form.  

The journey takes its course through an investigative tale of wondrous fractals, kaleidoscopic visions, the phenomenon of pareidolia, uncanny illusions of mind, the diffused consciousness of cephalopods and the impossibility of black swans.

In the wide dissection of natural form, Plethora Magazine #12 enters further into the spectrum of natural pigments to highlight the organic dye processes involved in many of the traditional, pioneering photographic techniques and print types such as calotypes, cyanotypes, ferrotypes, silver albumen types, anthotypes and more.


Wilson Bentley, Anna Atkins, Adam Jeppesen, Lee Bae, Kristopher Biernat, Nicolai Howalt, Tilde Bay Kristoffersen, Henry Fox Talbot and more.


• Limited edition of 1000 copies
• Format 70,5 x 50,5 cm, 52 pages
• Specialized off-set print, organic ink , certified sustainable paper stock
• Handmade, embossed achival folder out of traditional fibre-carton
• Hand dyed cotton ribbons by natural pigments
• Printed by Narayana Press Yoga Ashrama
• 94% certified sustainable production


デンマーク、コペンハーゲン発のアートマガジン「PLETHORA MAGAZINE(プレソラマガジン)」は、70×50cmという雑誌の概念を覆す規格外のポスターサイズ。さらに記録的文書から慎重に吟味しながら、現代芸術家を取り上げる異色の編集内容、ファインアート、ヒンドゥー教寺院の伝統的な印刷技術に対する深い情熱から生まれた出版物です。デジタルプリントが急速に進む現代において、慎重に選定されたコンテンツの数々は、写真やアートワークの良さを最大限に生かすため、内容に合わせて異なる紙と印刷手順を踏み製作されています。「PLETHORA MAGAZINE」は雑誌という枠に収めることができない完成度で、まさに芸術作品と呼ぶに値する作品です。